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日期:2024-09-21 16:35:45 来源:红日三竿网


【外文别名】"Special Ops" - International (english title)
      "Disarmed" - USA (original title)
【出品公司】In-Motion Pictures
【出品年代】2010 年
【上映日期】2010年11月1日 美国
【影片级别】USA:R (certificate #46233)
【IMDB评分】3.7/10 (112 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】动作
【导  演】Tom Shell
【主  演】A.J. Draven ... Capt Kyle Fierson
      斯蒂文·鲍尔 Steven Bauer ... Caine
      Finola Hughes ... Lilian
      Rez Cortez ... Daco
      Matthew Alan ... Dan Schmorrow
      Matt Boren ... Ari Matthews
      John Milton Branton ... Dr Kaitan
      Michael Bruggink ... Sarge
      Erin Christine Buckley ... Christine
      Erin Buckley ... Christine
      Luke Edwards ... Techie
      Marie Lanoy ... Nita
      Stephanie Nicole Lemelin ... Wolf News Reporter
      Leon Miguel ... Tomagan
      Jude Moore ... Seever

  When Captain Kyle Fierson s (A.J. Draven) Black Ops Unit is 战狼载ambushed during a raid to rescue a deadly nuclear device that has fallen into the wrong hands, he must run for his life not only to track down the missing time bomb, but also to clear his name when he is accused of aiding the terrorists. Fierson must fight for his life when he is hunted by terrorists and betrayed by the country he loves.



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